Many people who have struggled with alcoholism and drugs would say that Alcoholics Anonymous has been a lifesaver for them. But is this only true for those who can show up to meetings on a regular basis? Or does AA work for everyone, regardless of the frequency of meetings? Well, the answer is that it works for about 80% of people who are continuing their sobriety after joining. As long as you continue going to AA meetings even if your attendance is not perfect, the chances of success increase significantly.
Alcoholics Anonymous really works in helping many people with addiction disorders maintain sobriety and live happier lives when they attend regularly. One reason why Alcoholics Anonymous works is because it is a support network. It can be hard to find places to turn when you suffer from an addiction disorder, but it might feel easier if you attend meetings where everyone can identify with your situation and provide support for you.
Alcoholics Anonymous might help some people who are continuing with their sobriety even without them attending regularly. You don’t have to go every day; in fact, many people do not. But you may still continue on with your recovery even if you cannot make it every day as long as you don’t give up and stop going altogether.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a program designed by members of the general public who have found success in sobriety and have been sober for at least one year. They are not professionals, but they do offer practical advice and spiritual support to those who seek their help.
Alcoholics Anonymous does not require one to believe in a higher power or believe that its methods will work for everyone. It just promises that its methods will work for some people according to the organization’s personal beliefs. If you want help with addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous might be the best option if you are interested in participating in self-help meetings over long periods of time.
Many people have difficulty with the 12-step program because they feel that they don’t “need” to make a choice to be sober. It is important, however, to realize that alcoholics do not need to choose sobriety; it is a choice that one makes on their own. Alcoholics Anonymous offers people an opportunity to stop drinking on their own by providing the necessary tools and steps to maintain sobriety.
At times, it might be helpful for an individual who is struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction to consider joining an Al-Anon meeting (or possibly a similar group). Al-Anon meetings are designed specifically for family members and friends of those who have addiction disorders.
If you are interested in attending an online meeting, check out the Double Winner’s Anonymous Meeting Directory.