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Welcome to Double Winner's Anonymous!

Al-anon and AA have a lot of similarities. They may attract different kinds of people, but they have the same goal—to achive sobriety for the alcoholics and to help the alanon cope with the challanges of having alcoholic loved ones. Double Winners Meetings provide both groups with support and understanding as they walk together on their journeys to sobriety.

In the past, AA and Alanon did not get along very well, Saturday Night Live was founded by two old timers, Harry & Giff, 40 years ago. While having dinner with their wives, they came up with the idea of having a meeting with both the alcoholics and their loved ones. The interaction of the alcoholics and the Alanons proved to be very therapeutic, the family had a chance to heal together and better understand each others challanges.

The Saturday Night Live Group

Time: This is a recurring ZOOM meeting every Saturday @ 8PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 9588 8030

Passcode: 202020

“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

and Wisdom to know the difference.”

What is a Double Winner?

A double winner is a recovering Alcoholic and Alanon, that attends both fellowships. In the last 5 years, a lot of double winners meetings, have appeared all over the country, Saturday Night Live has been around for over 40 years. The format of having both Alcholics and Alanon attending the same meeting, became very popular, as many as a hundred people attended that meeting in West Palm Beach Florida.

In 2020, Covid hit, the in person meeting was shut down. John F one of the founders of Saturday Night Live Zoom meeting, saw the need to continue this meeting, both for himself (Heart Condition) & Co founder Ann K (Heart condition) roughly 2021 Saturday Night Live Zoom was founded and has become a very intimate, caring and loving meeting.

The combined result is a double winner: one person, two victories, two sets of tools to live happily and joyfully.


June 29 we lost one of our cherished members, Secretary and a beautiful person. Ann fought cancer and heart disease for years, put up a tremendous fight, and never complained. Ann’s favorite thing was texting all members and her friends, on their belly button birthdays, as well a sobriety anniversary. Battling health issues while sober, takes a big heart and big STRENGTH, what I call PURPLE HEART RECOVERY. RIP ANN YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, MY HERO.

If you would like to feature your meeting on our directory, please contact us with all the corresponding information!

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